“The solution is rarely interested in the problem”.
What is coaching, anyway? Well, being the coach, I am the driver and you, as the traveler, tell me where to go. The coachman holds the reins for a while, but in the end it is the traveler that knows the way or the detour that leads to his or her destination.
I accompany and coach actors or people with, for example, performance skills deficits, but also people with all kinds of life problems, from decision-making difficulties to business or couple conflicts to complete perplexity about how to go on in life.
The beauty of this solution-oriented work is: There is no issue where this method does not achieve success.
Of course, there is never a guarantee.
But I will go so far as to promise you that if you subsequently find our conversation absolutely useless, you will get your money back, or rather, you will not have to pay me.
Get on board and join me on the path to solutions by contacting me without obligation using the contact form on this website. There you can also ask questions that have not yet been answered.
Frequently asked questions
I look forward to hearing from you!

My background:
Solution-oriented short-term coaching ICF, Solution Surfers, Lucerne
Basic course in hypnosis therapy, Dr. Henning Alberts
Masterclass in healing, Dr. Gabor Maté MD
Piano studies at the Universities of Hannover and Zurich, masters of music
European Film Actor School, Zurich