Can I expect any advice/tips from you?
Well, every coaching is invidual and extremely different, so I would say that there is generally never a never. But it would be quite arrogant of me to believe that I can give my client a tip that he or she hasn’t already thought of. Therefore, my aim is rather to let the customer come up with a new solution on his or her own by leading the conversation. This is much more effective and efficient than a tip from outside.
Does the coach need to know a lot about me in order to help me?
The less, the better. Not knowing is really grace here, because it enables the absolute openness that is a prerequisite for successful coaching. It is not impossible to coach someone you know, but it requires an incredible amount of discipline from both of you to avoid falling into the trap of judgment, condemnation and prejudice.
Is the relationship to the coach like that of the patient to the doctor?
Apart from the self-evident confidentiality, I would negate that. I am interested in eye-to-eye encounters with my clients.
Does the coach also learn something from the coaching?
Coaching vs. therapy – a contradiction?
No, I don’t think so. I have simply come to the (never final) conclusion in my training and experience that intellectual, congnitive insights can be helpful for further steps, but do not bring more than just that. Every issue or problem is ultimately rooted in the emotions and thus in the subconscious and thus in the body. This is why the client’s self-discovery of possible solution steps is so effective, because this discovery never happens purely intellectually.
How many sessions does a coaching with you usually take?
One could slightly ironically paraphrase the solution-oriented approach with “how to lose clients fast”, meaning it is basically not about meeting every Tuesday from 3 – 4 p.m. Usually there is one session for one topic and, if desired, a second session a few weeks later. Additional sessions only make sense if a new topic has arisen or if the topic has changed significantly.
Where does the coaching take place?
This is also decided by the client. I offer to hold the session at our beautiful coaching atelier over the roofs of Zurich-Binz (right next to the station Zurich-Binz), also an accessible place of the client is possible, a quiet favorite cafe, a place in nature, the only important thing is simply enough silence. Online coaching via Skype or Zoom is also possible.